Thursday, August 9, 2012
Quick action by citizens and animal control saves dogs life
From the Hartford Police
Police Chief James C. Rovella praised the quick action by concerned citizens of Huyshope Avenue and Sequassen Street in reporting an injured dog in the roadway.
"The timely action by area residents in reporting an injured dog stumbling in the roadway helped save the animal's life," said Rovella.
On Aug. 1, 1:15 p.m., Hartford Police Animal Control Officer Sherry Degenova responded to a citizen report of an injured dog in the vicinity of Huyshope Avenue and Sequassen Street. On arrival she was met by concerned citizens who indicated the dog, an eight month old female Labrador, was stumbling in the roadway. ACO Degenova located the dog collapsed and in shock in the roadway. She immediately transported the animal to the New England Veterinary center for treatment, where medical staff discovered a gunshot wound to the neck and subsequently removed a projectile.
"The dog is expected to make a full recovery after which time we will seek to find a good home for her," said Animal Control Officer Degenova.
"At this time there are no known witnesses to the incident or owner information," said ACO Degenova. Anyone with information that may be of assistance in the investigation is asked to contact HPD Animal Control Officer Sherry Degenova at 860-757-4392 or email ACO Degenova at Confidential, anonymous tips may be submitted on-line at Hartford Crime Stoppers or by phone at 860-722-TIPS (8477).
Monday, May 21, 2012
A little bit of progress for Baxter
It has been a while since I wrote about Baxter.
The reality is that he continues to GROW.
Last week I had him at the veterinarians and he weighs 136 pounds. His brother, Green Jeans, is about 10 pounds heavier.
His training is coming along slowly.
He listens when he wants to. Fortunately he is still treat motivated.
He has so much energy and then he collapses.
And he loves his Wrangler just as much as I do. We took the back seat out and put a memory foam bed there.
I also got a doggie harness for him to wear when riding. He is so cute when it is time to put the harness on he gets all excited and try's to stand still but his butt can't stop waging.
We (Les) is working hard with the gentle leader to try and get him under control when he goes for walks.
He is also going through some growing pains. He has started whining and howling even if you are in the same room with him.
So Baxter is a work in progress these days.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The growing continues
Baxter continues to grow like a weed.
On many levels his demeanor has improved. However, once we recognize things are a little better everything starts over again.
Take for example that a couple of weeks ago he won two points at the dog show. That is a very big deal. He was chosen the BEST Gt Dane male at the dog show. His show photo made me want to cry with pride.
Then this past weekend he was back to being a toddler pulling like crazy on his leash. We use one of those harnesses that is supposed to keep him from being able to pull because it crosses at his shoulders.
He is also quite verbal these days. REALLY verbal. we joke at home that every time he grows he talks about it.
Purr Project offers scholarship for vet tech's
The Purr Project is seeking applications for the annual Suzan’ D’Antonio Full Bucket Memorial Scholarship that honors its matron saint, friend, animal welfare advocate, and vet tech, the late Suzan D’Antonio of Cheshire who passed away in 2008, according to a statement.
The award is named to reflect the principles in the book "How Full Is Your Bucket," by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton, the statement said. The book "describes how a person - best friend, coworker, or stranger - can (through their own positive words and deeds), fill your ‘bucket’ making you feel more positive," the statement said.
"It is this principle that guided the life of Suzan D’ Antonio as a veterinary technician and an animal rights advocate - she filled buckets. The scholarship then, will go to those applicants who ‘fill the buckets’ of others by being an advocate for those who have no voice," the statement said.
The statement also noted that: "Based on this premise, this scholarship is about service - the applicants’ service to animals and the Purr Project Foundations’ service to the applicant. The Purr Project has dedicated this scholarship in Suzan’s name in order to support you and fill your bucket."
Academics are a component of the overall formula of how the winning applicant is chosen, but the "scholarship is for those who not only have ideas but for those who are about action in serving animals."
"Simply put, we want doers. Each and every application will be reviewed with the understanding that each applicant is an individual and that there are going to be different ideas, different experiences, and different manners of service. This service may take many forms: helping maintain feral colonies, writing a newsletter, volunteering at a local shelter, helping with anti-cruelty programs, and more," the statement said.
The scholarship is awarded yearly, so applicants are encouraged to reapply if they are not successful in a prior year, the statement said.
Applicants must be current residents of Connecticut (when not attending school).
"The important thing to understand is that this scholarship is for students who are or will be enrolled in vet-tech, pre vet, or veterinary medicine programs. We understand however, that academic programs can vary widely," the statement said. "Therefore, if your institution does not have one of these programs but your intent is to serve animals in one of these capacities, then you should apply anyway. The Purr Project, does not condone animal testing research (i.e. pharmaceuticals), and will not grant scholarships in these areas."
For information on the scholarship, The Purr Project Foundation, or to obtain an application, write to The Purr Project Foundation at 12 Winged Foot Court, Cheshire, 06410; call (203) 272-9590, or go to: where you can download a copy of the application.
Applications must be received by June 30 to be considered for the 2012 award. The Purr Project Foundation, Inc. is a certified 501C3 charitable organization and relies on contributions - 100 percent of which are applied to scholarship awards and are tax deductible.
Donations also may be sent to the address in Cheshire. Every donation will receive a thank you and receipt by return mail.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
A year has passed
A year ago tomorrow I was beside myself and time was standing still.
Our breeder had said any day now our new fur bundle of joy would be born.
And he finally was born.
I was flying high on happiness. I had already gotten everything in place. Crate, bedding, food, veterinarian.
And now we had to wait until he was three-years old to meet him.
That was a special day too. We went up for a weekend and the last day we were there we got to meet Baxter.
That was a LONG weekend. We couldn't focus on anything else.
It is so hard to believe a year has passed unless you look at before and after photos.
The photo I took of Baxy when he was three weeks old today looks like the tip of his nose.
He is really a very good boy. He just has way too much energy. But I know with time that will change.
He does keep us guessing.
Taking him to doggie school has been very helpful. But he needs to continue the socialization.
Friday I hope to check out a doggie day care where he can be dropped off in the morning and picked up at the end of the day tires out.
The daycare said they already have 2 other Gt Danes who frequent them.
What is also good is that they want to check us out as much as we want to check them out,
Happy Birthday Baxter. The year has flown by quickly.
Our breeder had said any day now our new fur bundle of joy would be born.
And he finally was born.
I was flying high on happiness. I had already gotten everything in place. Crate, bedding, food, veterinarian.
And now we had to wait until he was three-years old to meet him.
That was a special day too. We went up for a weekend and the last day we were there we got to meet Baxter.
That was a LONG weekend. We couldn't focus on anything else.
It is so hard to believe a year has passed unless you look at before and after photos.
The photo I took of Baxy when he was three weeks old today looks like the tip of his nose.
He is really a very good boy. He just has way too much energy. But I know with time that will change.
He does keep us guessing.
Taking him to doggie school has been very helpful. But he needs to continue the socialization.
Friday I hope to check out a doggie day care where he can be dropped off in the morning and picked up at the end of the day tires out.
The daycare said they already have 2 other Gt Danes who frequent them.
What is also good is that they want to check us out as much as we want to check them out,
Happy Birthday Baxter. The year has flown by quickly.
Monday, January 30, 2012
A little lost dog, his owners who haven't given up and the community that has rallied around finding him

WESTPORT/NORWALK CT - Frightened by fireworks on New Year’s Eve, Jordina Ghiggeri’s 11-year-old beloved Corgi, Andy, went missing in Westport. A horse trainer from Massachusetts, Jordina has remained in Connecticut to find her sweet boy. While four long weeks have passed, Jordina refuses to give up hope.
What is truly remarkable about this story is the outpouring of love from the Connecticut community and beyond. As Jordina and her husband Michael continue their search, folks world-wide have rallied to Bring Andy Home. Volunteers brought together through social media and the understanding of the love for a dog, have contributed by developing websites, fundraising, distributing flyers and in pounding the pavement day and night. Andy & Jordina continue to find themselves in the center of a growing circle of kind hearted people willing to dedicate time, money, effort, and support to reunite Andy with his “mom”.
The Bring Andy Home Facebook page currently has more than 2,100 followers and is growing daily. Andy seems so close to being reunited with his family but he continues to remain elusive. Most recent developments include a large group from "Team Andy" on a well co-ordinated overnight stakeout last Tuesday night. Searchers reported multiple sightings which led to the discovery of his den. In the following days humane traps were set up in hope of containing Andy. Unfortunately the activity seems to have spooked him and he continues to be on the run. Monday, Jordina and her team of volunteers are bringing back Salsa, a pet tracking dog from Pure Gold Pet Trackers, to aid in Andy's search.
Please help share this story. Together we can turn heartbreak into a homecoming!!/pages/Bring-Andy-Home/323338351030976
Jordina Ghiggeri can be reached at 1-781-264-5243
Michael Ghiggeri can be reached at 1-908-399-9428
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
New Haven food pantry for pets gets assist from Bethany Veterinary Hospital
By Bridget Albert
Register Staff
Pets whose owners frequent the New Haven food pantry will be sleeping with full bellies thanks to a pet-food drive Bethany Veterinary Hospital held over the holidays.
A van filled to capacity recently delivered about 700 pounds of food, toys and other products for companion pets.
This is the third year Bethany Veterinary Hospital has held the food drive.
Diana Richter, executive director of the New Haven Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, said she was very thankful for the support.
“Bethany Vet is a standout for us. They helped us launch Thunder’s Pantry (pet food bank) and they are instrumental in keeping the pantry going,” she said.
Angie Reich of Bethany Veterinary Hospital said the staff there was happy to hold the food drive.
“Anyone of us could be there,” she said. “We would really like to see the shelves stocked year round (instead of just the holidays).”
Reich said her heart broke when she learned an elderly person was taking food home for his pet and not eating himself.
Thunder’s Pantry, the pet food bank, was started three years ago when volunteers noticed an increase in requests for canned tuna. They learned that much of the food they were giving out was being eaten by their visitors’ animals.
Richter said pantry visitors were feeding their pets before themselves.
The food pantry, which is open once a week, serves 250 to 300 people per week, Richter said.
She said that about a third of those also utilize the pet food pantry.
Richter said it is not uncommon to see visitors in line with their pets.
“One man lives in the woods because he isn’t allowed to have his dog in the apartment,” she said.
Bethany Veterinary Hospital said it would be happy to be a drop-off location for the soup kitchen. Anyone wishing to drop off wet and dry food, kitty litter, toys and other pet-related items may stop by during normal hours. The hospital at 782 Amity Road (Route 63) will make sure the animal supplies are delivered in a timely manner.
The Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen is at 311 Temple St. Learn more about the soup kitchen at
Call Bridget Albert at 203-789-5702 and follow her on Twitter @nhrbalbert. To receive breaking news first, text the word nhnews to 22700. *Msg & Data Rates May Apply. Text HELP for help. Text STOP to cancel.
Register Staff
Pets whose owners frequent the New Haven food pantry will be sleeping with full bellies thanks to a pet-food drive Bethany Veterinary Hospital held over the holidays.
A van filled to capacity recently delivered about 700 pounds of food, toys and other products for companion pets.
This is the third year Bethany Veterinary Hospital has held the food drive.
Diana Richter, executive director of the New Haven Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen, said she was very thankful for the support.
“Bethany Vet is a standout for us. They helped us launch Thunder’s Pantry (pet food bank) and they are instrumental in keeping the pantry going,” she said.
Angie Reich of Bethany Veterinary Hospital said the staff there was happy to hold the food drive.
“Anyone of us could be there,” she said. “We would really like to see the shelves stocked year round (instead of just the holidays).”
Reich said her heart broke when she learned an elderly person was taking food home for his pet and not eating himself.
Thunder’s Pantry, the pet food bank, was started three years ago when volunteers noticed an increase in requests for canned tuna. They learned that much of the food they were giving out was being eaten by their visitors’ animals.
Richter said pantry visitors were feeding their pets before themselves.
The food pantry, which is open once a week, serves 250 to 300 people per week, Richter said.
She said that about a third of those also utilize the pet food pantry.
Richter said it is not uncommon to see visitors in line with their pets.
“One man lives in the woods because he isn’t allowed to have his dog in the apartment,” she said.
Bethany Veterinary Hospital said it would be happy to be a drop-off location for the soup kitchen. Anyone wishing to drop off wet and dry food, kitty litter, toys and other pet-related items may stop by during normal hours. The hospital at 782 Amity Road (Route 63) will make sure the animal supplies are delivered in a timely manner.
The Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen is at 311 Temple St. Learn more about the soup kitchen at
Call Bridget Albert at 203-789-5702 and follow her on Twitter @nhrbalbert. To receive breaking news first, text the word nhnews to 22700. *Msg & Data Rates May Apply. Text HELP for help. Text STOP to cancel.
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