Lady Jane's Lessons is a tribute to companion animals of all sizes and shapes.

For without these best friends we certainly would not be as mentally and physically healthy as we are.

Lady Jane's Lessons is your resource to learn about animal nutrition, illnesses, first aid techniques and how to live responsibly by not using products tested on animals. Send in your stories and photos to and they will be posted upon receipt.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What poison dangers are lurking in YOUR home?

I will NEVER forget my introduction to toxicities and poisonings in practice. It was a dog who had been poisoned, probably intentionally, with an herbicide known as Timic ® in the deep South. The dog died a horrible death and there was nothing we could do. Thankfully, our two most recent toxicity cases had much better outcomes and were unintentional poisonings that occurred right in their homes, a very common scenario. If at the end of reading this column you say “wow I never knew …” then my mission will be accomplished.
Read on here

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