Have you ever had one of those days when NOTHING goes right no matter how hard you try?
Monday was one of those days for us.
Having had Baxter at home for only three weeks and trying to housebreak him was going so-so. At times it seemed he was really trying. When on the patio he was going over to the gate and pacing to let us know he needed to go to the play pen. And, he had never had a stool in his crate.
All of that changed when his routine, and ours for a day, changed.
We had it planned. We were heading to a concert in Danbury Monday afternoon. It would all work out. We knew when we were leaving and when we would be home. Baxter would be all right. His schedule would be maintained. After all, we were making progress.
It didn’t work out quite so.
He didn’t get fed on schedule. We were gone way longer than expected. Surprisingly his crate was clean when we got home around 11. I stayed up with him until about 12:30 a.m. so he would have some time out.
At 1:45 a.m. he started to scream. Should I ignore it? I did for about 5 minutes. It got louder and louder.
I went to him and found him surrounded by stool. We took him out, cleaned him and his crate up and put him back to bed. Went back to sleep until 4:30 a.m. and he was screaming. Back outside and back to bed until an hour later when he screamed again. The poor guy was having diarrhea.
His routine was changed and his bowels were in an uproar. Thank goodness for white rice.
He is a sensitive gentle giant.
It has taken two days of constant routine to get back on course.