I knew this day would come.
However I was beginning to believe it might not.
After all, when I would ask Baxter to come sit next to me on the couch he would back away.
Not anymore.
It’s like overnight he has decided the sofa is the only place he wants to spend time.
He is, after all a Gt. Dane known for being able to find the softest spot in the house to rest those giant bones on.
The Little Prince; as we call him.
It’s either that name or Demon Dog.
He does have those moments when he will grab a dog towel – or dish towel and sneak past you to lay down with it.
Or, like last night, when we were beginning to believe he was FINALLY house broken. He walked into the hallway and peed.
I think we just looked at each other in amazement. Not believing what just took place. OMG!
Tonight I am on my own at doggie school. It will be interesting to see how he behaves with just one mommy.